Gold Prospecting Lease - Cue
Price - E 20/1061 & E 20/1062 - $24,997
Granted Mining Tenement E 20/1061 is 99.47 Ha & E 20/1062 is 281 Ha
Lease is located on the very prospective Meekatharra Greenstone belt which is contained in a NE corridor containing greenstone facies basalts containing shearing and faulting and volcanic rocks, and volcanic schists.
This greenstone corridor hosts a large number of operating and historical gold workings up and down the strike of the prospective corridor of the shear zones and greenstone feature
Lease is suited for detecting, or small scaling mining like pushing, scraping or dryblowing or other exploration activities like soil sampling and drilling
Summary & Recommendations
The Exploration Licences E20/1061 & 1062 is located in the very prospective ‘Meekatharra Greenstone Belt’ and very close to operating and shut small scale gold mines in the north east area, these mines are located on the major gold bearing shear zones and cross-cutting shears located inside the greenstone corridors. The leases contain a substantial amount of greenstone and sheared volcanics, and also has two large NE shear zones running parallel to the greenstones and the gold discoveries.
The geological data strongly suggests that this area displays all the right indicators to host very favourable gold mineralisation potential. Greenstone belts that also intersect cross cutting faults and shears provide ideal conditions for mineralising gold bearing fluids to be emplaced into the bedrock; this lease area has the hallmarks for this to occur.
The Meekatharra Greenstone Belt located on this lease is the host of reported gold discoveries, including historical gold discoveries up and down the strike of this gold prospective rock and structural package –the ground holding is highly favourable for gold mineralisation.