Compass in finding the right prospecting supplies

Prospecting Defined

As defined by Britannica, prospecting involves searching for economically exploitable mineral deposits. These precious minerals are zinc, lead, silver, nickel, platinum, palladium, and gold. Prospectors across the globe have been finding new ways to make the entire process easier and more efficient. This has led to the invention of new prospecting tools as more and more are looking for the right prospecting supplies.

The goal of prospecting has not changed since the rise of its popularity several millennia ago. However, the methods utilised by modern prospectors are pretty different, considering the availability of advanced prospecting technology. So, as an aspiring prospector, what would you need to kickstart your journey towards striking gold?

Prospecting Essentials

Prospecting essentials

One of the first things you may have done was search for “prospecting supplies near me” online. That’s a good start because you now have a better idea of what you need. Essentially, the necessary supplies are categorised into two – what to use and what to wear.

What to Use: Prospecting Tools

Metal detector used in prospecting

Metal detector: There’s absolutely no reason to guess where the gold is hidden in this day and age. A high-quality metal detector is among the prospecting supplies Perth gold prospecting professionals have in their arsenal. Take advantage of a metal detector’s capability to locate mineral deposits using an electromagnetic field. With a suitable device, you can actually go 40% deeper than average. This means you’ll be able to locate gold even in places where you wouldn’t typically expect.

Gold pan kits are also prospecting supplies

Gold pan kit: Many experts say that heavy sediments fall and get trapped in river bends. These sediments can actually be gold. Checking the shoreline and surrounding areas with a gold pan handy may just lead you to a much-awaited golden opportunity. Don’t hesitate to get down and dirty when gold panning. Dig up some dirt when you get close to the shoreline, then use the stream’s water to screen the pan and determine if there’s gold in the soil.

In addition to these two tools, there are a few other prospecting must-haves to thrive in the Australian gold fields:

  • Small and large spade
  • Mobile phone with coverage
  • Radio communication
  • Map of the area
  • Reliable compass
  • Gold prospecting license (State-specific)

What to Wear: Prospecting Gear

Prospecting gears

Some don’t pay much attention to what they would wear before starting a day of prospecting. What you wear should be included in your list of gold prospecting supplies. What’s new in the world of gold prospecting fashion?

  • Rubber boots
  • Thick socks
  • Work pants
  • Travel hat or cap
  • Quick-dry t-shirt
  • Sun-glasses

Remember to put sunscreen on as well before you head out. When prospecting, it’s important to be comfortable in whatever it is you’re wearing. You’ll be out in the sun – in the extreme heat – and you will likely not detect any gold in the first hour or so.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to fuel your body with light snacks and water. Bring along salty, protein-rich snacks like nuts and beef jerky to keep your energy levels up and avoid sugar crashes. Just because you’re searching for gold, it doesn’t mean you should compromise on your general safety and welfare.

Earning through Gold Prospecting

Gold prospecting with Matt

Once you have all of the essential tools and gear for prospecting, will you become a successful prospector? Will you be able to find a good-sized gold nugget on your first try? Can you actually make a living out of gold prospecting regularly? Having a steady cash flow as a gold prospector is the dream, but it may look easier on paper than in reality.

Gold prospecting consultants and service providers like Complete Prospecting offer training on how to maximise the features of metal detectors. These companies also have high-quality metal detectors for hire, which you can use to start prospecting like a pro. Half of the success, though, requires dedication and patience. It’s a mixture of preparedness, available tools, knowledge of the area, and luck. Don’t lose heart, though, because there’s a gold nugget out there with your name on it.